Working two jobs just to make ends meet, Pepper is such an example of hard work as well as self sufficiency. Pepper has had many years of challenges she has walked though, but even with all that has stood in her way, she has persevered. Pepper has two grown children she has raised and sent out into the world and two still at home. The demands on a mom alone can be overwhelming but raising boys without a partner is wearying. When she stepped out of a long time abusive relationship it was the hardest and bravest decision - this set her on a road of resilience that brought her to Maintenance for Moms this last year.
“In the last 3 years since getting out of a very abusive household, we have been surviving but struggling everyday since. We seem to have hit every wall possible to climb just to find another right behind it. The only reliable thing we had was our car. It slowly started having problems that I kept putting off due to other things being more important. My Domestic Violence Advocate recommended Maintenance for Moms and I’m so beyond grateful she did. The compassion and generosity I experienced has touched my heart and taken a huge weight off my already burdened shoulders.
It’s amazing how much we depend on a good car to take care of all of the other things in our life and how debilitating it is when it breaks down and it’s your only source of transportation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will never forget what you have done for us.”
It was such a joy to walk alongside Pepper as she navigates life as a single mom. Knowing that she now has safe and reliable transportation we can breath easier with her and continue to cheer her on as she moves with resilience along her path.