Angelica was homeless and had been living out of her car for 6 months. She was afraid to drive anywhere because if she got pulled over by police they would discover she didn’t have car insurance or registration. The possibility of police stopping her and possibly towing her car away meant she could lose the place she was living. All of the scenarios that would run through Angelica’s mind of losing her car crippled her with fear.
“I am very thankful for Maintenance for Moms. They helped me a lot. I didn’t have to beg, I just had to tell my story.” Angelica told her story to Kathryn, MFM’s Director. “Kathryn didn’t give me a hard time. She welcomed me, she prayed for me, she praised me, and said she was proud that I overcame so much, and for my courage.” Maintenance for Moms helped Angelica pay for her registration and paid to transfer the title to her name.
“Maintenance for Moms took care of the problem with open arms, without shame, with encouragement.”
There were several steps to getting Angelica’s car reliable, legally compliant, and road-ready. Angelica was afraid to go to the DMV, it was overwhelming for her to face something she had feared for so long. “Kathryn encouraged me to go and said it would be okay. She would pray for me. I had to face my fear, and I did.
Maintenance for Moms helped me with no judgment. They welcomed me with open arms in such an amazing way. Every day I used to go to sleep with fear and wake up with fear about what would happen to my car. But now, I am fear-free. Because I don’t have to go through the shame or the fear anymore. Now I’m able to be better and more confident at my job. I am grateful for Maintenance for Moms. I feel like this is all through the grace of God. This is how He works. He works in mysterious ways, this is all God. It doesn't matter what I’m going through. He/My Lord God will find a way to protect me and my children. He always works for me and everything he does is for good.”